Why moan about PSN maintenance

psn downtime

Oh my, why has everyone got their panties on fire with a “Planned Playstation maintenance scheduled for Monday and Tuesday!!!”

I really can’t believe people are bemoaning Sony for “maintenance!!!” Surely that’s a good thing? Yes! Why all the complaining about the Playstation Scheduled maintenance? Not like you can’t login, play online, send messages and chat with friends. The only thing “planned maintenance” means you won’t be able to use the PNS store, as long as you login the day before the “planned maintenance” which Sony gives plenty of fore warning about then there shouldn’t be a problem.

I mean lets break this down folks, PS3 free online gaming PS4 paid for (PSPlus) online gaming which equates to £0.11 per day or £0.77 per week (based on yearly subscription) and for that you get 2 free PS3 games, 2 free PSVita games and a PS4 game every month, now that’s value for money.

So stop with the moaning. Oh no, it’s Easter Monday, what will I possibly do!!! Do something fun for Easter, go out, exercise, which will probably have more benefits for you than the constant yapping like a demented dog.

Maintenance should be seen as a good thing, and being without the PSN store for a few hours won’t kill you or lead to World food shortages.


Posted on 17/04/2014, in PS3, PS4 and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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