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Has Activision Axed The Amazing Spiderman 2 for Xbox One or just delayed


Has Spiderman been canned or delayed for the Xbox One? On checking the official website all trace of the Xbox One Logo and game cases have been removed!!! It could be that it’s merely a mistake, which happens, I doubt this is the case though. Read the rest of this entry

Be the Batman New images

Xbox 360 and Xbox One Zomboss Down downloadable Game Pack Free


Xbox One has some good news from Planets Vs Zombies (braaaains) makers EA and POPCAP free content.

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Pax East 2014 Trip Footage Part 7: Watchdogs Gameplay Preview

watch_dogs ctos mobile app


Is Microsoft having a pop at Playstation Fanboys


A mysterious video entitled “Rats” has appeared on the feature section of Xbox One Dashboard. Could Microsoft be fighting back against the hordes of

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Watch_Dogs mobile app called Ctos mobile



The upcoming hacking game Watch_Dogs from Ubisoft will feature a mobile app aptly named Ctos mobile.

The mobile app will allow players to connect to Watch_Dogs and carry out small side missions like, oh I don’t know! Snooker, darts, spy on someone, hack something, chess or even poker. Read the rest of this entry

Trials Fusion Day One Patch Update

Trials Fusion


Trials Fusion from Ubisoft day one patch has been detailed

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Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Gameplay



2K Games have just announced Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, being developed by Gearbox Software and 2K Australia. This game takes place between the original Borderlands and Borderlands 2

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Tesco cheaper than Asda with Xbox One


Well they are actually the same price, but read below to get £10 off your order making Tesco with Xbox One with Titanfall £339.99.

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Its all about the games or lack of Games


Is it just me!!! Whats happening with “the games” for PS4 and Xbox One? Now we are into the 6 months straight we still aren’t on a home run!!! Two new consoles and a lack of games. PS4  Infamous Second Son was good, not great, just good. I’ve platinumed Infamous Second Son so nothing more to do with that game! Oh forgot the “paper trail” that people have been hailing as the Second coming! Let’s be honest, it’s boring.

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